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Houston Polo Club News July 2012

  • Parent Category: POLO CLUBS
  • Uploaded by Allee Messina Houston Polo Club. 8552 Memorial Drive. Houston, TX 77024.
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  Houston Polo Club

Date: 7/2/12


Ruth's Chris Cup-

It was the perfect ending to a wonderful season!

The last day of our fall season offered spectators two exciting 4-goal games. 


Joe Chandler was all smiles as he received congratulations from his biggest fans for his victory over BU Polo!

Chandler Ranch wins the first of two 4-goal games to finish out the season!

Joe Chandler, Peter Von Gontard, Hernan Tejera, Tim Kelly

Berryhill completes our final Sunday game with a victory over Caceres!

Drew Luplow, Jorge Olivas, Tiffany Clifton, Jeff Anon, Colleen Williams, Christine Rotzler

HPC News

Congratulations to the HPC Show Team for an outstanding effort!

(See details in Riding Program News)

Member's Corner

Save the Date!
St. Regis Hotel is hosting a wedding show on July 19th.  The cost of this elegant event is normally $15/person, however St. Regis is offering complimentary admission to all HPC Members.  Be sure and mention HPC when you RSVP!

HPC Notes:


Only a few more boxes are available for sale in the member grandstand. If you are interested in a box, make sure to contact the Club ASAP, before they run out!



Winner's Circle!

USPA Anniversary Cup 14-Goal


KC Krueger, Chris Nevins, Hector Galindo, Steve Krueger


Rodrigo Moran, Sugar Erskine, Julio Gracida, Crystal Cassidy

Sugar Erskine and his Best Playing Pony, "McPollo"

USPA President's Cup 8-Goal

Arroyo Escondido/Alpheus

Paul Hobby, Billy Mudra, Shane Rice, Cristi Payan (MVP)

BPP- Nellie, owned by Shane Rice

Houston Polo Club's Fall 2012 Polo School is filling up fast!  Don't miss this opportunity!

September 11th-November 3rd

Tuesday 6-8pm

Saturday 9-11am

Total Cost:  $3,500

Great for beginning riders, as well as the seasoned horseman!

        * Learn to Ride the Pony

        * Basic Hitting Skills

        * Rules and Strategy

        * Play the Game!!!

YOU will need boots with heels and a riding helmet...WE will provide the rest!

HPC Riding Program News

Congratulations to the HPC Show Team!

We have had two remarkable shows in the month of June. Our Team really made us proud brining home multiple top ribbons. More importantly, all competitors “stuck to the plan” and rode the very best they could.


                            Clea Chapman                                                  Blair Barineau and Amy Leroy


                       Aphrodite Papandreaou and Maisie                                          Caroline Miller

        Juliet Winstone and Justin

Team Highlights :

Caroline Miller and Royal- Grand Champion Walk/trot division 6/2-3

Daisy Ford and Dot- Reserver Champion -Novice Equitation 6/16

Congratulations to Isabelle Ross on Simba, Juliet Winston on Justin, Clea Chapman on Charly, Aphrodite Papandreou on Maisie, Blair Barineau on Maisie, Grace and Eva Wolfe on Bear, and Kendal Sills on Nico. Our Team did an amazing job “sticking to the plan”.

Thanks to all the parents for cheering us on...and getting up early!

Thanks to Amy and Kendal for all of their help getting us everywhere on time...and looking great!

We are looking forward to another exciting show July 7th and 8th. Thanks!

Fall Season 2012 will kick off with the Horses and Hats Benefit, benefiting Snowdrop Foundation and Texas Children's Cancer Center.  Please pass the information along and help Snowdrop Foundation make a difference in the lives of these children and their families!

Click on this link to purchase tickets: 


Or, for more information visit: www.snowdropfoundation.org


Our apologies to MEGA Energy's Jack McLean!  It is Jack (in the red jersey) battling ABC's Grayson Price, not Dalton Woodfin (as we had it labeled), in the final of the 1st Annual Texas Junior Invitational Polo Tournament.

We would like to thank our Sponsors:



About Us

Founded in 1928, Houston Polo Club is the city's oldest sports franchise.  The club is celebrating its 85th Anniversary year in Houston.  HPC is committed to cultivating new players and developing the sport of polo in Houston.  Located just minutes from The Galleria and Downtown, the club is situated on 26 beautifully landscaped and wooded acres in the heart of the city.

Houston Polo Club

8552 Memorial Drive

Houston, Tx 77024
